Dr. Csaba Huszty, representing our company, will give a keynote speech entitled “Development of State Networks” at the roundtable discussion of the 20th Infocommunication Networks and Applications Conference of the Association for Telecommunications and Information Science (HTE). The roundtable will take place on 12 October 2016, 14.30-16.00.
The Scientific Association for Infocommunications (HTE, in Hungarian) holds its 20th Infocommunication Networks and Applications Conference and Exhibition 2016 (InfoKom) conference. The roundtable leader for infocommunication strategies and policies is dr. Gábor Huszty from our company. Key government experts in the sector will present the current issues of Hungarian ICT policy, and leaders of the most important ICT companies from the government sector will present their respective strategies. Date and time: 12 October 2016 11.30-13.00.
On the occasion of the national holiday of 20 August 2016, dr. Gábor Huszty, electrical engineer and founder of ENTEL Ltd., was awarded the Hungarian Silver Cross of Merit in recognition of his multifaceted professional activities in the development of telecommunications and communications in Hungary.
The roundtable discussion of the HTE MédiaNet 2015 conference on government responses to infocommunication challenges will be chaired by Dr. Gábor Huszty, representing Entel. The round table will take place on 8 October 2015, 10.40-12.10.
We completed the chapters of the tender for the development of the 2nd phase of ERTMS radio system (transmission technology, fitting of new network components to the existing GSM-R system and the detailed description of the project deliverables).
We have completed the Technological Handbook for the Superfast Internet Project (SZIP), a handbook covering NGA technological development concepts and possibilities.
The session of the Infocommunication Networks and Applications Conference of the Association for Telecommunications and Information Science (HTE) entitled “Infocommunication policy updates” will be chaired by dr. Gábor Huszty from our company. The session will take place on 8 October 2014, 9.30-11.00 am.
The Association of Telecommunications and Information Technology declared dr. Gábor Huszty Honorary President of the Association for his decades of sacrificial social work and outstanding activities for the recognition and success of the Association.
We started the implementation of the generic plan coordinator and expert tasks for the mobile radio system in the 450 MHz frequency band.
We have started providig the general plan coordinator and expertise services for the 450 MHz mobile development.