We prepared a “situation analysis technical survey” for the National Institute for Information Technology Research Non-Profit Ltd. in the framework of the Digital Public Collection Infrastructure Development Strategy.
Technical inspection and design control tasks for the Government Network Development Project
In the Government Network Development Project, we are responsible for the technical inspection and design control of the fibre-optic cable network to be built in the investment of MVM NET Zrt. in 2017-2019.
Data acquisition and data transmission procedures for island power generating installations
We have carried out an assessment of the possibilities of data collection and data transmission procedures, and explored the potential technologies for the operation of island power plants.
Situational picture of the convergence of fixed and mobile networks
We prepared a study for the National Media and Communications Authority on the state of convergence of fixed and mobile networks.
Preparatory work for the MAVIR network development project, expert tasks in the RFI phase
In the preparatory phase (RFI) of the MAVIR network development project, we performed technical expert tasks.
Utilization strategy of the 450 MHz LTE network
Analytical study of MVM NET Plc. MVV NET’s 450 MHz LTE mobile network, development of a strategy for its utilization.
Analysis of MVM NET’s communications activities
At the request of MVM NET, we reviewed the company’s communications activities based on current legislation.
Possible directions for a regulatory strategy for microwave frequency bands
For the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH), we prepared the document “Possible directions for the regulation strategy of microwave frequency bands”, in which we provided an overview of the subject area and made regulatory proposals.
Long-term infrastructure development strategy for higher education and research institutions and public collections
We prepared the preparatory material for a long-term infrastructure development strategy for higher education institutions, research institutes and public collections for the Government Information Technology Development Agency.
Government Network Development Project system design tasks
We performed system design tasks for MVM NET Plc. in the project GINOP 3.4.5. Consolidation of government networks, increasing their capacity and performance, and improving network access and connections of institutions.